On Saturday, September 17th, DBNC was in full force at the Chinese Culture Festival in Celebration Square. Surrounded by thousands of attendees who were enjoying the sights and sounds of the event, DBNC was a popular stop for many – drawn by our chalk art and colourful booth.

Connecting with the community directly, and organically, is always such a joy. Our Chinese staff were able to speak to guests about our services and promote our upcoming events. With staff volunteers from every department of the agency, the energy and enthusiasm was palpable.

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DBNC is proud to have such a dedicated and hard-working staff. This opportunity to enjoy beautiful cultural performances while connecting with families, was special. Keep your eyes peeled for DBNC at more local events! And if you do see us, swing by and say hello!

One of our senior clients recently reached out to DBNC staff to share something special they had created in commemoration of the Chinese Cultural Festival. The video below is a beautiful homage to the day. Enjoy!

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