At Dixie Bloor Neighbourhood Centre, we believe in taking time to connect with one another and show support for our teams. On Thursday, June 30th, 2022, the EarlyON team hosted the agency at Mississauga Valley Park, for our quarterly Personal Development Day. This was an especially monumental day, as it was our first in-person, agency-wide meeting in over 2 years!

The sun was shining as over 100+ staff members gathered to take part in a BRAVING activity inspired by Brené Brown called The 7 Elements of Trust. Touching upon topics like setting boundaries for oneself and how to be accountable to our teams, the PD Day was spent getting to know a little more about our colleagues.

You can learn more about Brené Brown’s 7 Elements of Trust here and here:

We hope you had a wonderful long weekend and we can’t wait to see our community in person again! With Summerfest fast approaching (July 30th at Mississauga Valley Park at 11:00 a.m.), we are excited to get back to doing what we do best – connecting with our neighbours. Stay warm and see you soon!

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