Did you know that breast cancer does not only effect women?

Men can also get breast cancer. In 2022, it is estimated that 270 Canadian men will be diagnosed with breast cancer and 28,600 Canadian women will be diagnosed with breast cancer, with a 20% death rate (average). 

Although the idea of being diagnosed with cancer can be frightening, being diagnosed at an early stage increases the chances for a successful treatment. Therefore, the earlier you get a diagnosis the better chances you have of surviving this malignant tumor.

The Ontario Breast Screening Program recommends that most people aged 50 to 74 years get a mammography every 2 years. Going for periodic screening is very important in determining if you have a diagnosis and stopping it from spreading at an early stage.

Most of the signs and symptoms of breast cancer start showing when a person starts noticing a change in the breast and nipple area. If you notice that there is a lump or a thickness in the underarm area, as well as a change in the skin texture, then those might be symptoms. However, it does not automatically mean that you have breast cancer. When you perform breast self-exams and notice something unusual, the first step to take is to talk with a healthcare professional. 

We know how stressful it can be to think about finding the right doctor who can guide you in the best way. Your family doctor can always help you. We at DBNC, can also help. If you are trying to locate a health care professional near you or if you are looking to book your appointment for breast cancer screening, call our helpline or email us and we can help you. 


Breast cancer statistics. Canadian Cancer Society. (2022, May). Retrieved from https://cancer.ca/en/cancer-information/cancer-types/breast/statistics

Screening for breast cancer. Cancer Care Ontario. (2022, July 4). Retrieved from https://www.cancercareontario.ca/en/types-of-cancer/breast-cancer/screening

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